shooting star in night sky

Nomination Form

If this is an emergency please contact 9-1-1. We cannot guarantee your Nomination will be adopted. No matter what you are facing, you are not alone! We will be praying for you.


Anna is a small community with an enormous heart but unlike larger cities, we do not have the outreach programs, grants, or nonprofit organizations to support various needs. We believe getting the help our community needs is as simple as sharing your story and asking. Please fill out the nomination form and submit any supporting documents, and we will help you find support by asking Anna business owners and community members aware of our campaign, for help.

You must live in Anna, have proof of residency, and provide additional information as requested. No cash will be provided direct to the applicant, but given to the vendor named on your application.Thank you for your trusting us with your request.


four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

LET'S TALK. Please fill out the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.